good animations and story, the build on this story is very professional and planned out it looks. now i don't know what your Voice Acting Stage is but if its a Sound Booth with expensive recording equipment, double check that:
1. no power cords and mic cords run paralelle with each other this produces a buzzing sound, keep cord perpindicular.
2. that your using compression, it really helps keep balanced sound by increasing the sound when its quiet and reduces loud noise.
3. don't be afraid to use audio filters. in this episode there was a high pitch noise before a character started to spead. and easy filter to use is called LowPass and what it does is lets through sound starting with the low pitch and stops at what ever high frequency you set it at so you can get your voices and not the high pitch noise
4. use a wind screen on the mic
5. in the booth after you check your levels with your VA tape a line in front of and behind there feet and say " if you step out side this line with out being told ill slit your throat"(threats make people listen) because im sure you don't want to redo levels and have uneven sound
honestly it was just the sound that was bad but sound makes or breaks a movie
make that a focus on upcoming releases